Prizes and Awards

SWIMM members are eligible to apply for, or be nominated for prizes awarded by SSI, EFIS and IUIS.

ACTERIA doctoral Thesis Prize

SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply for the ACTERIA doctoral Thesis Prize.

Two ACTERIA Doctoral Thesis Prizes, one each in immunology and allergology, will be awarded in even years (2022, 2024, 2026, etc.) for the best doctoral theses in the 3 years prior to application submission deadlines.

Follow here for more information and application!

ACTERIA Early Career Researcher Prize

SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply for the ACTERIA Early Career Researcher Prize.

Two ACTERIA Early Career Researcher Prizes, one each in immunology and allergology, will be awarded in uneven years (2023, 2025, 2027, etc.) to researchers with up to 10 years of postdoctoral experience.

Follow here for more information and application!

SSI Young Investigator Award

SWIMM membership makes one eligible to get nominated for the SSI Young Investigator Award.

Every year each national SSI society (e.g. SWIMM) will nominate one candidate to be awarded the SSI Young Investigator Award, to be approved by the SSI council. Candidates (up to ten years after PhD – eligible periods away from active research are taken into account) should be members of the SSI (as SWIMM member one is automatically SSI member), and have made significant contributions in our field and in promoting immunology in Scandinavia.

Qualification criteria:

  1. Open to SSI members only (as SWIMM member you are automatically an SSI member)
  2. The applicant must have made a significant contribution to the advancement of Immunology within Scandinavia. This should be evident through the following criteria:
    1. The candidate should be within 10 years of finishing their doctoral study.
    1. Fulfill at least 3 of the 6 following criteria:
      1. Be a group leader of a significant scientific project.
      2. Have obtained a significant scientific grant within the last two years as a PI.
      3. Been an invited speaker at an international scientific meeting within the last two years.
      4. Made a significant contribution in the field of education or promotion of immunology.
      5. Be a significant member of an international scientific collaborative project.
      6. Be the first or a leading author of at least one scientific paper

To be eligible for nomination by SWIMM, one must be a SWIMM member since at least one year before the award year. The SSI council will make their selection known May 1st each year. The recipients of the award will give invited lectures at the SSI Annual Meeting the same year, and are awarded a travel grant to cover travel, accommodation, registration fee and conference dinner.

Previous recipients of the SSI Young Investigator Award from Sweden
2022 Christopher Sundling, Karolinska Institutet
2023 Davide Angeletti, Gothenburg University

EFIS/EJI Ita Askonas Award

SWIMM membership makes one eligible to be nominated for the EFIS/EJI Ita Askonas Award.

The prize was established by EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) to acknowledge female group leaders in immunology who have run an independent laboratory for a minimum of four and no more than ten years.

This prize consists of a € 20,000 cash award, plus support for travel, accommodations and registration to attend the European Congress of Immunology (ECI). The laureate must be prepared to present her work at the ECI.

Follow here for more information!