
SWIMM members are eligible to apply for travel grants to attend any Immunology related conference. Different travel grants support travel to different conferences.

SWIMM members are also eligible to apply for different types of international exchange/collaboration grants.

Types of Grants

SWIMM travel grant – any conference
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply for the SWIMM travel grant, which can be used to travel to any immunology related conference except the annual Scandinavian Society for Immunology (SSI) meeting, the European Congress of Immunology (ECI) and the International Congress of Immunology (ICI). Recipients of the SWIMM travel grant need to actively participate in the conference through poster or oral presentation. For more details see below.

EFIS travel grants – ECI meeting and more
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply to the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) for a travel grant to attend the European Congress of Immunology (ECI). These travel grants are usually announced through the website of the ECI meeting.

Additional EFIS travel grants may be available to support e.g. attendance of ICI or ECI meetings. If such additional travel grants become available, they will be announced on the EFIS website. SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply for all EFIS travel grants.

IUIS travel grant – ICI meeting
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply to the International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) for a travel grant to attend the International Congress of Immunology (ICI) meeting. These travel grants are usually announced through the website of the ICI meeting.

SSI travel grants – SSI meeting and more
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply to SSI for a travel grant to attend SSI meeting. These travel grants are usually announced through the website of the SSI meeting.

Additional SSI travel grants may be available to support attendance of ICI meetings. If such additional SSI travel grants become available, they are announced through SSI and SWIMM information channels. SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply for these additional SSI grants.

SSI grants for Scandinavian Exchange
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply to SSI for the Scandinavian Exchange grant. SSI wants to promote new collaborations between Scandinavian researchers. This is a € 1000 grant from SSI to finance exchange with a lab in another Scandinavian country.
Follow here for more information!

EFIS-IL Short Term Fellowship
SWIMM membership makes one eligible to apply to SSI for the EFIS-IL Short Term Fellowship.
EFIS and Immunology Letters (IL) award short-term fellowships for up to 3 months of support for purposes of transnational scientific collaboration or advanced training in techniques or methodologies. The EFIS-IL Short-term Fellowship allowance is € 1.925/month and is awarded directly to the fellowship holder. In addition, EFIS will reimburse travel costs up to € 500.

Follow here for more information and application!

Follow here for additional support through EFIS!

SWIMM Travel Grant

SWIMM-funded grants to attend scientific conferences in immunology!

The Swedish Society for Immunology, SWIMM, offers its members the opportunity to apply here (downloadable application form) for travel grants twice a year. Grants will be given to members for active participation (poster or oral presentation) in a conference that covers any field of immunology, and with the purpose to promote Swedish Immunology worldwide. All members can apply but PhD students and post docs will be given priority. SWIMM may also grant funding to visit laboratories to learn new methodology.

Please note! SSI and ICI meetings are not sponsored by SWIMM. Travel grants for these meetings can be applied for from SSI directly.

The application for the SWIMM travel grant is made via the application form, including an abstract, and your merits in one document. Applications will be evaluated by the SWIMM board based on the scientific value of the abstract. The motivation text and previous experiences will be taken under consideration during the evaluation.

Members who receive a SWIMM travel grant are asked to acknowledge SWIMM in their meeting presentation. SWIMM will publish the name, affiliation, abstract title and scientific meeting of grantees on the SWIMM website.

SWIMM will consider applications that has been submitted between 1st of March to 1st of April and between the 1st of August and 1st of September. The applications must be for conferences not starting before the deadline of the application and take place within 9 months after the deadline of the application. You need to have paid membership for 2024 to be eligible for travel grants in 2024. Awarded travel grants will be paid to the personal bank account of the awardees.

Welcome to apply here for the SWIMM travel grant!